Liquids and Bulk Solids Remote Inventory: IIot Monitoring Sensors You Can Stick With!
It’s no secret. The bulk logistics and purchasing sectors are always looking for simple, streamlined ways of remote monitoring of their stocks.

Successful implementation of ‘remote/ vendor inventory management’ can deliver myriad direct benefits; perfectly timed logistics, CO2, fuel and time savings, optimised stocks, avoiding returned loads or emergency deliveries, less stress and process shutdowns. There are also strategic gains through streamlined purchasing and ordering, improved supplier-customer partnerships, and retention of supply contracts.
Fast Payback
The applications for bulk liquids and solids are many: Sites populated with fixed silos and tanks, mobile tanks and IBC’s, on road or rail transport, waste-collection containers, silos at temporary or semi-permanent sites.
All offer different challenges; site access, product compatibility, container and infrastructure tracking. While many are based on just in time supply and delivery, others are operating removal and disposal services. Because of the size and weight, speciality and often ‘dedicated’ nature of bulk shipping, an effective stock management overview has the capability for fast payback.
One Single Device, Simpler to Implement
Up until now, the implementation of remote monitoring has involved complex internal and external engineering, multiple cross-department planning, programming, external cabinets, power supplies, cabling and sensor installation, followed by often complex commissioning and integration into software systems. This is a new technology emerging from the field of process and control, and it offers a greatly simplified solution in a single, battery powered wireless sensor.
Get It Right First Time
VEGAPULS Air is the first IIoT level sensor range of its kind, designed and manufactured for all types of vessels storing or transporting bulk liquids and solids; from waste water to chemicals, fine powders to plastic pellets, animal feeds to aggregates. It has wireless communication, stand- alone battery power for up to 10 years, vessel measurement ranges up to 30m, ready to locate via GPS, communicate and provide your data - in one compact sensing device. Simple to install, easy to set up and quick to deliver stock management information in the format you need. VEGA are the world leaders in non-contact radar level-sensing technology, with 30 years’ experience. Easy, reliable and cost effective, it means you can be confident in the accuracy of your inventory, waste collection, or environmental monitoring data, that you base logistics decisions on.

Stick With It
Combined with VEGA ‘SaaS’ (Software as a Service) VEGA Inventory System (VIS), to install at your monitoring point it can be as simple as stick it to an IBC, or install it onto a tank or silo, and activate at the press of a button – then all you need is a login to see your data and begin managing your logistics/ supply-chains effectively, whether on the desktop or mobile App, using tables, maps and predicted usage.
VEGA offer truly visible, global inventory management, connecting you to the finished product tank outside your door, waste collection depot in your city, national plastic powder supplies, or an animal feed silo on the other side of the world. From Sensor to Server, and to your Screen, VEGA take care, service and responsibility, for it all. To discuss your requirements, ideas and explore solutions, or make a test to see its capabilities, please contact VEGA Controls Ltd.

+44 1444 870055