Equinor Bolt Integrity Management Contract
We are delighted to announce that EchoBolt has been engaged by Equinor to optimise the management of bolted connections at the Greater Wash Offshore Wind Farms. EchoBolt’s technology has been used to prove viability of ultrasonic bolt measurements as a reliable way to monitor preload in critical bolted connections and will be used as the basis for ongoing condition monitoring at the two sites.

Time based routine retightening of bolted connections is one of the biggest planned maintenance tasks on wind turbines, often requiring the use of heavy, high pressure hydraulic tightening equipment. Through accurate preload monitoring using handheld ultrasonic measurement equipment it is possible to move to a condition-based regime targeting only those connections that need attention, delivering significant benefits in terms of reduced costs and reduced maintenance effort.

“Working on this implementation with the team at Equinor has been an excellent experience. In our view, the approach taken by the team to thoroughly assess the opportunity and methodically build up the case for implementation has been a model for how wind operators can adopt new technologies and working practices to improve asset operations. We are looking forward to continuing to engage in the years to come.”
Pete Andrews, Director, EchoBolt.
