Destec Engineering Continue With Investment to Keep Pace With Customer Demand
Destec Engineering Limited a UK Original Equipment Manufacturer based in Lincolnshire, who have been serving the Energy sector for well over 50 years have ploughed further investment into new equipment and machinery.

This year alone has seen the introduction of two new CNC machines coupled with additional equipment and spares along with an investment in a new tooling system and the recruitment of a dedicated tooling manager to help meet the ever-growing demands of its global customer base.
The first acquisition was a Mazak Variaxis i-1050T, a 5 axis, simultaneous vertical machining centre designed for large work pieces. This machine is already making Destec’s Clamp Sets, Torque Receptacles, Mounting and Guide plates for the Single Bolt Subsea Connectors (GSB).
Added to the machinery fleet this month is the highly versatile Integrex i-450H, another Mazak, built for high volume production. The i-450H is producing metallic seal rings in large quantities to help supply Destec’s many seal customers.
This multi-tasking centre will also be producing hub profiles and Desflex Swivel Flanges.

Ben Vincent from Destec Engineering stated: “Investment in new plant and machinery has been vital to keep up with the requirements of our clients. This year’s investment which has been on top of significant investment in 2021 (a factory extension and the purchase of a large 5 axis mill – the Correa Norma MG) is all about trying to reduce lead times for our customer’s. These last 2 years have seen an unprecedented demand for our products and services.
“The i-1050T is already showing its value as this is a single set up machine where we can complete GSB clamps sets in one operation. As a result Destec have significantly reduced machining times, avoiding bottle necking waiting for parts to be completed on other stations.
“This is similar, to the i-450H which is a milling and turning centre also for single set up operation.
“This investment will accelerate the productivity through the factory and support our customers worldwide.”
Destec are exhibiting at Offshore Europe 5th-8th of Sept, please visit them on stand 1V38C to learn more about they can support you on future projects.

+44 (0) 1522 791 721