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A leading North-East offshore services firm has come through its toughest three years to secure a respected business award.

Motive Offshore Group, which is headquartered in Boyndie, near Banff, specialises in the manufacture, rental and services of high quality marine equipment and associated services to the onshore and offshore oil and gas and marine industries.

James Gregg and Dave Acton.

Directors, James Gregg and Dave Acton, fought to drive the business through a challenging three years, against all the odds achieving its most successful financial year in 2017 since launching eight years ago.

The company was recently announced as the winner of the Business Success Over Three Years award at the Elevator Awards in Aberdeen in recognition of how they have steered the business through these tough times.

Facing real risk of closure in 2014/2015, the directors had the conviction they could trade out of the situation and through careful restructuring, with the support of Scottish Enterprise and KPMG, succeeded in surviving the downturn and turning the business towards a more financially secure position.

Managing Director, James Gregg, said: "We truly hit rock bottom during the oil downturn and we had a choice whether to sink or swim and we chose the latter. During this time, we were surrounded by some fantastic experts who helped us to stabilise the business within a tough twelve-month period. Securing the Business Success award is a great accolade for Team Motive but we are very open and honest about the tough times we have faced and recognise that we were not alone, so we hope that our success story will help and inspire other struggling businesses to stay motivated and keep going."

With its highest turnover to date in 2017 of £10million, Motive now employs 80 staff at its base in Boyndie and office in Dyce, Aberdeen, and is on track for an additional 20% growth in 2018. The company has also recently launched in Houston and is further expanding in the Middle East to meet client demand.

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