QMI Scotland - Leading is not easy
As we all know leaders can no longer depend upon medium-term or even long-term stability in the markets or fields in which they operate; customers’ preferences can shift dramatically, the complex networks in which many organisations are now operating can experience significant shocks, customers search for better deals, stock markets fluctuate rapidly and reputations can be shattered overnight as a result of, what on the face of it, seems like a simple quality or environmental failure. So what are the consequences for the leaders of the organisations in which our quality and environmental professionals work today?
Leaders face the constant expectation that they will deliver solutions to meet the needs of this ever changing market place in which we are now all operating. There is no time to ‘take a breath’. Leaders must continually challenge conventional thinking and drive their teams to explore and deliver at a level not previously experienced and within financial constraints that make the task seem insurmountable.
Business leaders, and in particular quality and environmental professionals, must learn how to master fiscal challenges and make decisions in extremely uncertain times. Managing risk, it seems, has become more important but also more complex; ISO 9001:2015 and ISO 14001:2015 have both addressed this aspect of business management through the risk based thinking approach set out in both standards:
‘The concept of risk-based thinking has been implicit in previous editions of this International Standard including, for example, carrying out preventive action to eliminate potential nonconformities, analysing any nonconformities that do occur, and taking action to prevent recurrence that is appropriate for the effects of the nonconformity.
To conform to the requirements of this International Standard, an organization needs to plan and implement actions to address risks and opportunities. Addressing both risks and opportunities establishes a basis for increasing the effectiveness of the quality management system, achieving improved results and preventing negative effects.
Opportunities can arise as a result of a situation favourable to achieving an intended result, for example, a set of circumstances that allow the organisation to attract customers, develop new products and services, reduce waste or improve productivity. Actions to address opportunities can also include consideration of associated risks. Risk is the effect of uncertainty and any such uncertainty can have positive or negative effects. A positive deviation arising from a risk can provide an opportunity, but not all positive effects of risk result in opportunities.’
QMI Scotland Limited are leading the market in providing IRCA registered auditors and IRCA accredited training for quality and environmental professionals and their leaders to facilitate the understanding and application of this risk based thinking . We will guide you in the management of risk for the business as a whole and how it can be managed through the application of a robust quality and/or environmental management system that will not only withstand the unsettling markets we are operating but will provide sustainable solutions.
If you need some help in understanding the implications of leadership within either of the standards or you just have a few questions give us a call on 01224 626290 or visit our website at www.qmi-scotland.co.uk